Registration is now open!
Registration for DiGRA 2017 includes attendance at all social events, morning/afternoon tea, lunch on the three days of the main conference (4-6th July), attendance at the workshops (although some may require a separate free registration), and eligible breakfasts.
- Concession – $300 AUD (~$225 USD, including DiGRA membership)
- Staff – $495 AUD (~$366 USD, including DiGRA membership)
If you have any questions about registration for DiGRA 2017, please contact
Diversity at DiGRA
This year, we are introducing reduced registration rates for delegates from low, and lower-middle income countries (based on the World Bank classifications by income). The rates are $50AUD for low income countries, and $100 for delegates from lower-middle income countries.
A delegates’ country of origin will be considered to be their enrolled or employed institution, that is, their primary place of study or place of work and the affiliated university on their paper. Delegates from one of the listed countries, studying at a non-listed country, will not be eligible. After registering, the delegates will be contacted by the conference organizers to confirm their enrolled institution and eligibility for the reduced registration rate.
The purpose of this initiative is to improve the diversity of countries represented at DiGRA, and recognize the sometimes prohibitive registration cost of academic conferences. At the Diversity Workshop on July 2nd, further ideas for how we can make DiGRA more accessible will be discussed. There is also a DiGRA Homestay and Couchsurfing Facebook group open to any DiGRA delegate looking for cheaper accommodation options in Melbourne.
Exhibitor Registration
If you are an academic press interested in being an exhibitor at DiGRA, please contact .
Student Volunteers
You can also apply to be a student volunteer, and receive a free registration to the conference. Please apply here by April 25.